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Amazon Prime’s Newest Perk: Life-Saving Delivery Driver

Amazon driver rescue

Well, folks, it finally happened. Amazon’s obsessive, dystopian efficiency has created a delivery driver so dedicated that she doesn’t just drop off your package—she saves your life on the way.

In Shelby County, Alabama, an Amazon Flex driver named Naimah Elmore was out on her route, no doubt dodging potholes, porch pirates, and the existential dread of modern capitalism, when she spotted something unusual: a house engulfed in smoke. Now, most people would pause, call 911, and maybe consider taking a video for social media clout. But not Elmore. No, she stormed into the burning home like a firefighter with a Prime subscription and pulled two women to safety—one of them elderly and unable to walk on her own. And, because she’s apparently running a one-woman emergency response unit, the delivery driver grabbed the woman’s wheelchair on the way out, because, you know, why not?

Her response to this superhuman feat? “God has me covered.” Which, honestly, is way more humble than I’d be. If I ran into a burning building and saved two people, you’d never hear the end of it.

This isn’t the first time an Amazon driver has stepped up in an emergency, but it does raise a few questions. What are they putting in those mandatory training videos? And how long before Jeff Bezos tries to claim some sort of corporate credit for this? (“Alexa, add ‘house fire rescues’ to my list of business ventures.”)

But let’s be clear: Naimah Elmore isn’t some corporate automaton—she’s a real-deal, flesh-and-blood hero. She saw smoke, saw danger, and didn’t hesitate to do what most of us would only dream of doing in the best version of ourselves.

So, hats off (or black, logo-free baseball caps, in my case) to Naimah Elmore. She may have been delivering someone’s new phone charger, but instead, she delivered two people from disaster.

Amazon, take note. Maybe give this delivery driver a raise—or at least comp her next delivery of flame-retardant gear.

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